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This year we raised $28,000 for projects in Nassau Bay. Thank you participants, sponsors, and volunteers for making this the best Reindeer Fun Run ever.

Thursday, March 2, 2023  •  5-7 pm
David Braun Park

Proceeds from this event supported 
the Nassau Bay Animal Shelter

After several years of cancelation due to COVID, the Nassau Bay Beautification Day was conducted on Saturday, 26 March under ideal weather conditions. The event was organized by Becky Kadel/President of the Nassau Bay Garden Club with support by many Club members. Publicity was provided by the City of Nassau Bay and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful. CANBE and other sponsors provided free T-shirts. Public Works ordered and delivered plants and mulch for the garden areas and supported the event.

There was a great turn out of "veteran" participants, new participants, students, and youngsters. The group of students from Clear Brook really did great work.

Five gardens under the supervision of the Garden Club were addressed.  Residents along Harbour Dr. worked on flower beds along Harbour Dr. and the two planters at the cross-over.  Parks and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful members planted the three concrete planters by the Pavilion in David Braun Park and at the entrance to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. This great volunteer effort has made the City more beautiful and will become even more beautiful as the new plants grow.

Thank you to all the volunteers for your tremendous efforts. The students from Clear Brook want to come back by in a few weeks to see the results of their handiwork.

Roscoe, Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful

Discovering Nassau Bay

Friday, September 20, 2019

We raised $7,562.34! ( $9,446.33 minus $1,883.99 expenses)
On November 12, 2019, CANBE presented the 
City of Nassau Bay with a check for $10,000.
Thank you for your support.
We did it!
$12,333 Thank you, Nassau Bay, for your incredible support of our Animal Shelter.
Get connected.

CANBE was founded in 2007 to raise funds for special projects to improve our Nassau Bay
quality of life and property values. The Community Association for Nassau Bay Enhancement, Inc.
(CANBE) is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to
the extent permitted by law. The CANBE tax identification number is 20-8555298.

The "I (heart) NB" design © 2023 Community Association for Nassau Bay Enhancement.


Website © 2025 Magnan McFee Creative Services